Suggestion: What to do about abdominal fat deposits
- Reduce simple carbs to a minimum.The main cause of the accumulation of subcutaneous and visceral fat is an unbalanced diet based on simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, pasta, potatoes, fruits and dried fruits, honey, cereals with a high glycemic index).
- Eliminate glycation products from your diet:Fast food and foods high in animal and vegetable fats (hamburgers, french fries, bacon and steaks fried in vegetable oil, crispy grilled meats), etc. All of these are products of inflammation, proteins, and at high temperatures under the influence of proteins, combined with glucose molecules (glycated proteins). Therefore, not all meat is healthy; it is best boiled, stewed or steamed.
- Reduce the presence of saturated and polyunsaturated Omega-6 fats.Yes, the fatty acids are different too, and their correct ratio is important. Instead, increase Omega-3 and 9 - these are flaxseed oil, olive oil, fish oil, avocado, walnuts. But try to reduce the content of sunflower oil, corn oil, peanut oil, palm oil, and rapeseed oil.
- Move more.It is known that low activity levels lead to fat accumulation because there is little energy expenditure. Walk more during the day so fat is used as fuel.
- Exercise regularly:Exercising 3 times a week for no more than 1 hour each time is enough.
- Training should be diverse.It's a big mistake to only exercise the abdominal and side muscles because these muscles are small, and by performing this kind of isolated load, the body will burn fat more efficiently. No need to do local work on "problem areas". The more the muscles work, the more force the body needs to restore them, and where does it get it from - from fat stores. Losing weight will be more effective if your training includes basic exercises, aerobic exercises, and balance exercises (including static exercises) that involve as many muscles as possible.
- Overtraining with daily activities can lead to fatigue and stress, the body will not give up fat, on the contrary, it will accumulate fat. Therefore, not only is it important to rest after training, but it is also important to get enough sleep, at least 8 hours.
Best exercises to lose belly fat
air squat
farmer's gait


dynamic bar

plank run

push-ups and squats

side lunge

jump squat

plank jump

Side plank support pelvis lift

step on the bench

knee push-ups

Plank and lift at the same time

plank knee extension

Plank with pelvic lift

One set of home exercises for one week
first day
- Empty squat 3*20
- Farmer's Walk 3*20
- Burpee 3*10-20
- Dynamic rod 3*20
- Plank run 3*20
the next day
- Push-ups and squats 3*20
- Side lunge 3 * 20
- Jump 3*15-20
- Plank jump 3*15-20
- Raise the pelvis in side plank support 3*15-20
The third day
- Step onto the bench 3*20
- Knee push-ups 3*10-20
- Simultaneous lifting and lowering of wooden boards by all four limbs 3*20
- Plank knee extension 3 * 20
- Plank support with pelvic lift 3*20